Are these not the snazziest things you have ever seen???? They were a Christmas present from Mike.
Karson has a new found love for horses. It's all she wants to do and it's all she talks about. Every spare minute she has, she wants to be at Unlce Lance's with her horses. She has Bailey, which is actually Uncle Lance and Melissa's, but she claims her and then there is Paizley, the yearling that she bought with her very own money.
As you all know, when your kiddo takes a liking to something, you have to take on some interest in it as well. Well, my interest with the horses has been petting them thru a fence and watching Karson work with them from a distance. She has pleaded with me to brush them, feed them, ride them, etc. I kept telling her that I couldn't because I didn't have the "boots".
So, for Christmas, my list included a pair of boots, so that I could join Karson in the horse fun. I searched high and low for just the right pair. After a long while, I finally found the boots for me (see above picture). Trouble was, every cowgirl in America loved my boots, they were all but impossible to find. FINALLY, after many calls and lots of websites, my boots were on their way!
Well, now I have them and you know what? They are way to PRETTY for horse poop.......these boots are just for looking pretty! (on my feet that is)