How about that view? That is what we woke up to all week in Tennessee. Aren't those mountains just beautiful? We had a really great time on vacation. For those of you who don't know, we went to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge and spent the week. We couldn't have asked for more perfect vacation weather, it was in the low 80's everyday we were there. We rented a cabin for the week, that we all fell in love with. It was our home-away-from-home. Kassidy said that she could move there (although after about 5 days, she began to change her tune, she thought she would miss Nanny and Regan too much). We had an action packed week that I promise to tell you all about in posts to come. I'll leave you with one little hint of just how fun our week was.....FINALLY got to the cabin, ready to take a shower and get all snuggled in for the night and guess what??? NO UNDERWEAR! Yep, that's right, of all things that I forgot to pack myself....bra's and underwear! Thank goodness for Walmart. I know you are cracking up but hey, I can't blame you, I laughed until I thought I would die!
I'm so thankful that the Lord has blessed Mike and I with the opportunities to make family vacations possible. I guarantee we have created many memories that will last a life time.