Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crash...A.K.A. Kylie

As soon as Kylie was old enough to "pretend" to have a car for whatever reason- house, barbies, etc. her car was always and I mean always a purple VW bug. It was her dream car. So, for her 16th birthday, Mike and I surprised her with a 1969 purple VW bug. I can not describe her excitement when she saw this car. There were tears and everything. I can't even remember what we gave for the car or what we spent fixing it up but realistically the cars value...NOT MUCH (no power steering, no air, no defrost) the only true value to the bug was the special place it held in Kylie's heart. She drove this car for 3 years. In those 3 years she didn't have ONE mishap. No fender benders, no nothing! Once she graduated from high school and was heading to MU, Mike and I wanted her to have a much more dependable and safer car to be driving on I70 with. After some searching, we found her a 2006 purple (again) Cobalt. Cutest car. We got a great deal on the car and after we paid down the bug money, she was driving a very nice car that we owed very little money on (thank you John). 2 weeks into college life we get the dreaded phone call, "mom, I've been in an accident". Most importantly, she was fine! The car however was totaled. She has to have a car to drive, so the search for a new car began. She's so spoiled. She is now driving a 2007 red G6. Not in the great place we were with the Cobalt but Kylie's fine and that is all that matters. The wreck really scared her and she is now an extra cautious driver (so I thought). Last Friday, phone rings, Kylie crying uncontrollably "mom, I just backed into a car at the mall". Just a fender bender. Kylie's car is fine but the other car has a dent in the door. I know it's just a car and Kylie wasn't hurt so it's not the end of the world but I want someone to remind me of that each month when I'm writing my check to the insurance company...OUCH!!!

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