Friday, May 1, 2009

Mint Makers

Grandma's older sister (she would want me to note that), Mabel is turning 90 this month. Way back before Christmas, she announced that she was having a 90th birthday party and SHE (mabel) was planning it.
Well, here it is time for the party and I have quickly learned that Mabel's idea of planning her own party is designating jobs to her 3 siblings to do. Poor grandma. She got put in charge of cups, plates, forks, napkins, nuts, mints, table cloth and centerpiece. We've gradually been working on getting things ready.

table cloth-check
center piece-still working on it

Now mints. Grandma and I decided we would attempt to make them. Never done it before but how hard could it be??? Wednesday night we turned grandma's kitchen into a mint factory. Almost burned up her hand mixer getting the "stuff" to the consistency we wanted it but we were sure we had it perfect. Did we have enough? Doesn't look like much. Hope so. We don't have anymore ingredients. Mint making underway. Such a tiny little ball of "stuff" was needed to press into our five little molds. WAY too much "stuff"! We were going to be there all night.
I'm happy to report that after just ONE hour, grandma and I had whipped out 235 perfect little yellow mints. We were so proud of ourselves. Would have been 237 but we each had to try just one! Let me also say that we were happy to do it and we hope Mabel has a wonderful 90th!


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