Here's Karson with the first of her 2 checks from the weekend. She and Melissa rode in the state NBHA finals this weekend in Columbia. We started at 1:00 Friday and finally finished up around 2 today. Although it was a long weekend, we had a lot of fun and excitement. I made mention several times over the weekend that it's a good thing we all like each other because we sure have to spend a lot of time together with all this "horse" business. Unfortunately, Melissa didn't qualify for the finals but she had AWESOME runs all weekend, just happened to fall in those cracks between the "D's". Karson (somehow) qualified on BOTH horses. As of Saturday night, she was 1st on Chance and 6th on Classy in the 4D. She was beside herself with excitement. She (or us) never dreamed that would happen, seeing that her weekend started off with her falling OFF Chance at the 3rd barrel (she's fine). Needless to say, we were happy to make the trip back to Columbia to watch her run in the finals. Not sure who was more nervous, us or Karson. Anywho, 3rd barrel knocked over on Chance and good ole Classy pulled out a 3rd place for her. She came home with $125 and a bag of goodies (and a new sparkly belt that Uncle Lance bought her). We're so proud of her. She's a very lucky little girl to have an aunt that is so willing to help her with this new passion of hers. Melissa's her biggest cheerleader!