Anyone reading this that knows Miss Anne Baker will completely understand the following story. Anne is a 5th grade girl in my class this year and in all my 15 years of teaching, there has never been anyone quite like Anne (in a good way). Her journal entries are out of this world "good" and I look forward to reading hers everyday to see what is going on in Anne's life or the lives of the whole Baker family. One Wednesday, Anne came to school dressed like no other. She was decked out from head to toe, long hair curled and even a hint of lip gloss. I learned later that day, when reading Anne's journal, that she had declared Wednesdays as "Beauty Day" (aka Dress-Up Day). She thought everyone, including herself, should put a little extra effort into looking extra nice one day a week and she decided Wednesdays was the perfect day. She never made this known to the adults in the building, I just learned of "Beauty Day" via her journal. We decided that we would grant Anne's wish the following Wednesday and here is what we got.......

True Beauty from a CARING teacher!!!! xxoo