Thursday, January 29, 2009

These Boots Were Made for Walking

Are these not the snazziest things you have ever seen???? They were a Christmas present from Mike.
Karson has a new found love for horses. It's all she wants to do and it's all she talks about. Every spare minute she has, she wants to be at Unlce Lance's with her horses. She has Bailey, which is actually Uncle Lance and Melissa's, but she claims her and then there is Paizley, the yearling that she bought with her very own money.
As you all know, when your kiddo takes a liking to something, you have to take on some interest in it as well. Well, my interest with the horses has been petting them thru a fence and watching Karson work with them from a distance. She has pleaded with me to brush them, feed them, ride them, etc. I kept telling her that I couldn't because I didn't have the "boots".
So, for Christmas, my list included a pair of boots, so that I could join Karson in the horse fun. I searched high and low for just the right pair. After a long while, I finally found the boots for me (see above picture). Trouble was, every cowgirl in America loved my boots, they were all but impossible to find. FINALLY, after many calls and lots of websites, my boots were on their way!
Well, now I have them and you know what? They are way to PRETTY for horse poop.......these boots are just for looking pretty! (on my feet that is)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Mike!

41 years ago today the world welcomed....Michael Shane Heying! I have been fortunate enough to spend the majority of those years with him. Thank you for blessing me with this man that I'm lucky enough to call my husband, my friend, the father to my children, EVERYTHING!
Happy birthday Mike. I love you.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Already???

Where in the holy heck do weekends go? I swear one minute I'm walking out of school Friday excited about my 2 days off and the next minute it's Sunday and I'm rushing around like a mad woman trying to get everything done so that I can start the next week NOT behind...I'm tired just thinking about everything I still have to do before I go to bed tonight. Then why you ask, if I have so much to do, am I on the computer?? Well, that's part of the problem, I'm easily side-tracked!
Yesterday all 5 of us spent a fun family day together in the city. Kassidy had a Build-A-Bear gift card that was burning a hole in her pocket! So now we have "myles" added to our bear family. I think that makes like 8 build-a-bears for Kass. She LOVES those things. She is truly the one kid I know that actually "plays" with her stuffed animals. She sleeps with them, dresses them, talks to them, takes as many as I will let her, everywhere she get the picture!
I had 2 Gym Bucks from Gymboree that were only good thru the weekend, so of course who in their right mind can let $50 free dollars go to waste? Not me! Kass now has a start on spring and summer clothes.
Can't get anywhere with-in a 30 mile radius of a Bass Pro Shop that Mike doesn't think he needs to just "look around" in. Luckily, just he and Kass (and myles) went there. Kylie, Karson and I opted to stay at the mall. Worked out perfect for everyone.
Ate at Mongolian BBQ, one of Mike's very favorites. We let him pick, seeing that Tuesday is his birthday. That is the busiest restaurant in the world. We were smart and did call ahead seating at 7:00. I recommend everyone doing that if you are thinking of eating there. As we were waiting for our table, there were people coming in and they were telling them the wait would be an hour and a half! The silly thing is, is that they were waiting!! I don't think any food is worth waiting that long for.
Finally to end our action packed day, we all headed to the movies. Sidenote...isn't the price of the movies just down right stupid? It cost $40 for us all to get in. We could buy the dvd twice for that! Anyways, the girls saw Hotel for Dogs. Kylie was sweet enough to take the little girls to that because Mike wanted to see Gran Torino, the Clint Eastwood movie. Excellent movie. My only complaint is that we had to sit on the very FRONT row. It was the only place we could get 2 seats together. Why? Because Mike dropped us off at the door so that we wouldn't have to walk in the cold. Yes, I know sweet. The girls show started at 8:15, they went on in. Our show was to start at 8:30. I waited, waited, waited and waited some more and finally at 8:45, Mike came in! He had been trying to find a close parking space. For the love of pete, park the darn car and come in, I want my $40 worth!!! MEN!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Birthday Treat #2

I was holding out to blog about Birthday treat #2 until I could get my hands on some pictures but I have yet to make that happen and so I decided to go ahead without pictures. I know you are disappointed but if I do get any, I will put them up later.
Treat #2........
Once we got home from the spa on Saturday, our plan was to re-group, grab the boys and head to Columbia to eat at CC Broilers and catch a movie. After Eddie and Connie picked us up, she said that she needed to run by Orearville and pick up her ear looker into thing ( you know that thing that doctors and nurses use) because Taylee had an earache. Ok, lets get it then. In the parking lot of school, she asked me to come in with her because it was so dark and she wasn't sure where the lights were. True. So, being the nice friend that I am, I was glad to go in with her. Upon opening the front door of the school, I see a door moving ever so slightly and a little tiny red light coming at us! HELP...we are about to be murdered was what was going through my mind, when all the lights came on with a big SURPRISE and my Orearville family was all there waiting to help me celebrate. My goodness did they ever get me good. I had no clue, not one! I fell for all their lies hook, line and sinker!
We had good food, good card games and best of all lots of laughter!
Thank you guys again for making my birthday so memorable. You're the best!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday dear Christy,
Happy Birthday to ME!
Anyone that knows me at all knows how much I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my birthday. It is a day I'm always ready to celebrate. I have always looked at my birthday as a blessing from God, another year that he has given me with family and friends. I would celebrate it all month if I could talk everyone into it. I usually do end up squeezing a good week or so out of it. Well, today is my 40th. Everyone has asked me all year long if I would be as excited about this birthday as I am all the rest and I kept assuring them I would be and guess what??? I was right, turning 40 hasn't bothered me one bit. I truly believe it's just a number. I'm as old as I act and feel. I DON'T feel forty and I sure don't act it.
I can not believe that I have lived "40" wonderful years. Where on earth have the years gone? I can remember sitting at Stephanie Bartlett's house with she and John Marsh, watching the Flintstones waiting for our drive into Kindergarten, all the fun Jeff and I had playing together as kids, the day that I entered Marshall High School as a scared, little freshmen girl, the day I met Mike, the day we got married, college graduation, getting my teaching job, giving birth to 3 beautiful little girls (thankfully not all at once), the day we bought our first house, my 21st birthday, my 30th birthday....the memories go on and on and all of them seem like just yesterday.
I have had a very blessed 40 years. My birthday wish is that I have another 40 years that are as happy and healthy as my past 40.
To anyone that is reading this, I'm sure that you have played some part in enriching my life and for that I thank you.
I'm off to do some more celebrating!
SMILE, it's my birthday!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Birthday Treat #1

Before reading this post, let me warn you, this may cause a SERIOUS case of jealousy. If you are willing to risk it, please continue reading.

Saturday was possibly one of the very best days I have had in a very, long time (not that most days of my life aren't great but this day was like a cupcake with lots of icing and sprinkles on top). My dear sweet sister, Jerrie, planned a TOTAL spa day for she and I and 2 of my very dear friends, Connie and Kim.

We started our day with a brunch at the Lodge of Four Seasons restaurant, Breezes. Yummy, yummy to my tummy( I think that mine tasted better then everyone else's because Kim paid for mine, thank you Kim). My only problem was that I was afraid that I had eaten so much that I would not be comfortable lying on my tummy for what was coming next.......

You guessed it, a 50 minute full body, swedish massage. HEAVEN! My, how that 50 minutes flew by. All four of us enjoyed it very much, however, none more than Kim. She had never had any kind of massage at all, I repeat none. As excited as I was about mine, I was equally excited for Kim. I wish there was some way for me to describe Kim when she was finished, unfortunately I didn't have my camera in hand. This might help you picture it, when the 3 of us went to track her down, we laughed so hard at the look on her face that we got in trouble with the "spa" ladies. We were politely asked to keep our voices down!

We sat in the hot tub, relaxed and read on lounges, sat in the steam sauna, got pedicures (thank you Jerrie), ate fresh fruit, had a slice of birthday cake that I was kind enough to ask for more silverware, so that I could share with my friends (you're welcome). It was just like on TV and better than I could ever have imagined. Are you jealous yet? Don't say I didn't warn you.

Thank you girls for spending the day with me. You made it extra special. You're the best and I love you all.
More birthday treats to follow....I'm telling you, I'm a lucky girl!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friday Night Fun

Friday night the girls had a game against St. Peters and talk about STRESSFUL! This was the score at the end of the 4th quarter.

Luckily, after a VERY long two minute over time, this was the score at the end of the game.

Even though we ended up winning the game, it was still sort of sad because it was Karson's last home game with the Knox twins, Sylvia and Olivia, her two best friends. They are a year older then she is and will be graduating in May. Unfortunately their days of playing ball together are over. Sylvia and Olivia will go to Slater High School next fall and when Karson graduates from the 8th grade next year, she will attend Marshall High School. We recognized our 8th grade players at Friday night's game and poor Karson was a crying, blubbering mess. Here is a picture of these 3 lifelong friends.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


cold (kold) adj. 1. of a temperature Much lower than that of the human body; very chilly; frigid.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Well, here it goes.....I'm joining the blogging bandwagon. I am completely fascinated with my friends and families blogs. I have debated for a while now about starting one but kept talking myself out of it, what I don't need is another thing to do on my "to-do" list. Then one day at school when my class was complaining about writing in their journals and telling me how hard it was to come up with something to write about everyday, I was quick to tell them that I could do it in a minute flat. So, I'm going to TRY and practice what I preach to them everyday. Kylie and Karson are both very excited, why I'm not sure but they were all about me starting this blogging journey. Here goes nothing....welcome to an inside look into the Heying family.