The afternoon of Easter we went to Jerrie and Nelson's house for Easter lunch. The whole Neff gang was there. Boy did we have a smorgasbord. My mouth is watering just thinking back about it. Jerrie and Nelson fixed gumbo and etouffee that were both to DIE for. Wish I had some right now! My first experience with etouffee was in Mexico (I know a strange place to have my first encounter with cajun food). Nelson made it for us one night for dinner and I have been craving it ever since. They also made a small turkey and Robbie brought chicken. Was suppose to be fried but ended up being broasted. No one really minded expect Nelson, who had already feasted on his gumbo and etouffee the night before and was very much looking forward to fried chicken. Robbie's story was that Walmart was out of fried, but we girls (and Nelson) were thinking one of two things: 1) you didn't pay attention to what they asked you to bring or 2) you didn't pay attention to what you picked up at the store. Regardless it was good. Even Nelson had to admit to its yumminess. Then of course there was all the other dishes that we filled our plates with and ate ourselves into a food coma!
After lunch we hid a million eggs for the kids to find (I might have miss counted by a few but not many I promise). They had so much fun running around the backyard and looking anywhere and everywhere for those candy filled eggs. Their baskets were overflowing. Kassidy and Jackson even had to go in, dump their baskets and start again. Too fun!
It was an all around perfect Easter. Thanks for having us Aunt Jerrie and Uncle Nelson!

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