Scientific Process is what I call "egg coloring" at our house. We had to wait until Friday night to color the eggs because Kylie couldn't miss out on all the fun. Mike and Kylie are the king and queen of crafts and they turn this simple project into quite the production. We don't do just the basic egg dye set, oh no, we do the camo eggs, the tye dye eggs, the glitter eggs and pastel and bright eggs, I think we had every dye set that Walmart had available. We had every coffee cup and anything that resembled a coffee cup filled with the water/vinegar mixture so that the fun could begin. This is why I leave these things to Mike. If it was up to me, we would do the simple 6 colors, dunk the egg and're done! The house smelled of egg and vinegar for a while and I now have 4 dozen beautifully colored eggs sitting on my kitchen cabinet that will soon make their trek to the trash cans but I love the fact that this is something that the girls look forward to each Easter. It's an evening that they know dad is going to sit down with them, have fun, laugh and make a huge mess for mom to clean up!
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